new year new moon!


    5am, olivia just left for DC for two days, lunar new year's new moon yesterday, here's the spread! The question is:

    How do I direct my creative energies?

    12 circular tarot cards are spread out roughly in a circle on top of an embroidered white cloth.

    Please refer to the bday tarot explainer post if want to be a little less confused about what's going on here.

    Moving into the first spiral of the outer ring:

    Tracing to the end of the spiral:

    Big exhale, haha. I'm listening through for a moment i felt inexorably beautiful again for this whole thing then Destroyer's Rubies then a shuffle all. Kind of a really strong spread! As always, a lot to think about, but I'm feeling a kind of difficulty "generating" something. Literally the creative part, lol. I've been so drawn to just "consuming" (i hate these words, that's why they're in quotes) lately, scrolling on my phone or my laptop. I think though that that is a kind of death, but resisting something that's integral to whatever process is unfolding. I need to uncork the truth of my feeling and slow down enough to be able to observe my desire! But for now, my morning ends and I log in to work.

    [1]: Not a quote from the motherpeace booklet; it's a lyric from Destroyer's Rubies. One of those massive Destroyer songs I somehow have entirely memorized... "Isn't that what I just said? It is now and it is never, it is now and it is never, it is now and it is never. [long instrumental] Dont worry about her, she's been known to appreciate the elegance of an empty room. Look I made you this broom (a predicate warning to the sun.) This night advances on. [really pretty guitar] The sketchy crowd shows me drawings, they're alright (and alternately dim and frightful waste.) Now come on honey let's go outside, you distrupt the world's disorder just by virtue of your grace, you know! I didn't wanna go. But leave I must. As gratifying as this dust was... Please don't wake me from this my golden slumber, I am proud to be a part of this number! [more guitar and vocalising that gradually decreases in intensity until the end of the song]"

    drop some words if you want!



    - cool spread, thanks for sharing!