2014 - 2015
I was one of the founding members of the Film Club at NIC. I filled the role of secretary and took minutes for all of our weekly meetings. There were two main functions of the club: Film screenings and Video Production.
The screenings happened about once a month, and spanned all kinds of films from Spirited Away to The Shining to Before Sunrise. Each semester we would have a dedicated meeting for programming to debate which films to screen. For a good while these decisions also incorporated polls and submissions from attendees about what they'd like to see. We also facilitated a discussion after each screening with questions to get things going. We started in the Student Union Building on campus, but eventually moved to the Coeur d'Alene Public Library to be more engaged with the larger CDA community and to utilize better screening technology.
The Film Club was involved with at least six short productions, including Denial and Qualia. It also included my own project, Gone. Certainly a lot of these were messy students films, but they were an incredible opportunity for students (myself included) to share knowledge and get hands-on experience with video work. This was especially important in context, as NIC had no video production courses and the city of Coeur d'Alene had little to no filmmaking community, so this was a vital resource.
I left to move to Moscow, ID in the fall of 2015. The club continuted on without me for a few semesters, and has since passed out of activity.