February media log
-Wow, it's February! What a funny month February is... Does anyone else pronounce it "feb-roo-airy" because it helps you remember how to spell it? is that just me?
Cassidy and I finished Wizard of Earthsea πππ Such a fucking incredible book, wow. Can't stop talking to people about it, never going to stop thinking about it, so excited to get into Atuan.
My pre-order of Dean Spade's latest book Love in a Fucked-up World came and i've been working through it and its like fuck... truly more potent and useful and effective than Come as You Are and Ace put together (or actually, any self-help book I have ever read.) Phenomenal! At the time of starting this writing I'm especially hit by the stuff in between Ch. 1 and 2, the way that everything we do is habituated and how the numbness/excitation pendulum is soooo fucking baked into me (and how this is especially exacerbated by being so adhd). The way that even without apps on my phone i still do that cue > reward just with texting ppl! Now at the end of writing this post I'm in the last chapter and it's just like... every single section is great, so instead of rambling about what's been hitting for me I'm just going to say oop, here's the direct download for the epub!!!! please, please, PLEASE go read this book, I cannot recommend it emphatically enough. (obviously it would also be cool and sexy if you bought it from Bluestockings at the earlier link, but it feels like such an important resource that I just gotta get it into people's hands and heads and hearts as fast as possible!)
websites n' blogs
We're in a real maturation moment for WWW (website woman winter),, I'm toying with getting something spun up with rhodochrosite, I'm thinking about buying a domain and plugging it in over on nekoweb or some shit...
ahahaha guess who owns sybls.net now >:^)
there's nothing there yet, but i'm still tickled silly
Check out this really cool website: ribo.zone !!!!
Another great site, found via this fun blog post: "The Digimon Box".
and man, look at this beautiful post from phimeirai
movies & TV & podcasts
We finished Girls season 1 and 2. What a fucking show, geez. I feel like S1 was just immediately a trainwreck, but then in S2 the characters start getting their shit together and you're getting invested, right? Like there were a lot of episodes in S2 where I was actually having a lot of fun! and then the train wrecks again and it is excrutiating. Great stuff!
I watched My Dinner with Andre after we got back from New York since it was kind of influential on my concept of of the city and y'know what? Kind of a silly movie! When I saw it the first time I was enraptured and so bought in but now I'm just like man these hoagies are just fucking ramblinggg. Still like it a lot though!
O and I watched Conclave which was really really fun, I liked it a lot :^)
And then the next day we had some friends over and watched Andrei Rublev ! Now that's what I call a movie!!! This is actually the first Tarkovsky I've ever seen and wow yeah they weren't kidding about this guy.. I definitely did fall asleep for part of it but that honestly added to the experience. It was rapturous! The bell!!!
I started to listening to Our Friend the Computer, really nice so far :^) My podcast desire really comes and goes but this one has me (at least for now).
New Ada Rook album UNKILLABLE ANGEL dropped, my fave of hers so far honestly! Lotta good noises. plus hehe yeah the minneapolis squeaks on rat kid lifestyle? i'm in that din π
Jane RemoverVenturing album Ghostholding !!!!!!!!!!!! Listened thru twice on the day it came out, so fucking good. My guess(hope) that she'd release something before her tour was right, hell yes!!!!oh my god and a new video?? she's spoiling us π i'm like, is she going to also release a mainline Jane Remover album before the tour??
Same day as Ghostholding, galen tipton put out NAUSEA RAVE, yahoo!! great high octane, great time to be alive, wow.
The last two happened when I was in NYC, so I'm going to also count the subway grate sound hole here. I'm of course talking about Max Neuhaus' 1977 "Times Square"" installation. Very moving! Please see my photos at the end of the NYC post!
Also have been enjoying the surprisingly varied πNintendo songs to listen to on your pink dsπ. Great pulls on this thing!
Also oh my god haha, this is silly and I'm sure the link will break sooner rather than later but wowwwwww this practice DJ set recording from the incomparable chaosbaby!!! shout the fuck out π€
Started Sephonie!! Anelgesic does it again, really fucking good. I need to get back to it! After my Big Gaming Moment in January I kinda haven't touched the stuff this month other than this.
That's it!