New York!


    Olivia and I went to New York for the first time, wow!!

    haha, look at that! look at them!

    We landed and dropped our stuff at the friend of O's we were staying at then rushed over to the MoMa.

    Overall not the coolest museum, but we got Ana Mendieta films, cool empty building view, ghost, and miffy. Not pictured, there was also an exhibition on touch which included some great Greer Lankton.

    Since O was conferencing so hard, a lot of the time I had to myself I was freewheeling around on my own. Day 2 & Day 3 I hung out with aloe (of!!!! how freaking cool is that??

    That third day was so deliciously misty. Before I met up with aloe I walked around central park a bit.

    i made so many images of this drain

    And then after that 3rd day aloe hang I got a dang tattoo! It's by f.k. segismundo, an artist I've admired for literally years. I can't believe I have something so beautiful on my body!! 😭

    + some views from the tattoo studio

    The next day was fairly unstructured, but I knew I wanted some "laptop time" after hanging w/ aloe, but I ended up absolutely trapped in an indecision spiral. I landed on going to the stonewall inn, because why the hell not.

    little did I know that it was the very day that the "T" had been removed from the monument's government website? or that the cafe nearby wouldn't actually have wifi but the library that did didn't open until 10? For a city that never sleeps it sure seemed like things were not open very early in the mornings...

    Anyway, it was a nice time "walking around the village" (as Olivia's advisor had implored them to do.) I gave Cassidy a call on the telephone and landed at Bluestockings afterwards for a nice book and web browsing session.

    "once in a lifetime public bathroom experience"

    Then I zoomed over to the Met Cloisters for the last half hour they were open!!

    there were so many more gay ppl at the cloisters than around stonewall lol

    and then I made my way back down the hill and back to the hotel!

    Not many photos the next morning, but then I ended up early for a ramen meet-up and wandered around Penn Station. Couldn't help myself at the guts of the train station, so many photos.

    delightful delightful delightful; boba and yuri, then a second visit to "Times Square"[1], then a tumble through the night into the next morning for an early flight out!

    and hey, for good measure, here's my little barebones after-the-fact itinerary :

    Whew, what a post! Thanks for reading/looking at all that.
    It's kind of too bad because it was so much work to pick and convert and assemble and describe all these photos that I don't really feel like saying much more about my thoughts and feelings about the trip... Some of that is also just that it feels fresh and personal and maybe I don't want to share all that here, but mainly I'm just tired and excited to spend my website time playing with rhodochrosite instead...

    [1]: The 1977 Max Neuhaus installation, not the place :P  â†©

    have you ever been to new york? what'd you think? the main thing i've been saying to people is that "it really felt like a different country but was also so absolutely american." also that my impressions from having seen My Dinner with Andre of it as a place with a really powerful and inescapable gravitational well holds up!