rip cohost


a split second before i joined my therapy session on monday i refreshed cohost to see if i had any notifications on the photos of my new bangs and i saw the headline... I should've stopped, read the whole post, and then spent the whole hour talking about cohost instead of my birthday or my mom's death or whatever.

like, it's fucked, right. I feel like i have this strong draw towards death and being a part of that process for things. I remember when twitter was dying (whenever that was), being so acutely aware of the outward ripple effects on the rest of the internet. There was so much that twitter had wormed it's way into that there were like subtle (or not so subtle) instrstructural stuff that was failing that you might not have noticed if you weren't paying attention, but this feels so different. It's like, cohost was a much richer soil, and that meant it was a good place for people to have some honest growth in whether that meant find some truths about themselves and getting to let it flourish or healing from a past of posting and learning how to live a different kind of life.

NOTE from 9/14 : wow i spoke too soon, i can feel this having much deeper infrastructural ripples....

i joined cohost in june last year. It was part of my flourishing/healing/virtual introspection that was able to happen after i got a job in January that meant 1) i didn't have to get up at 4am 5 days a week to go break my body and 2) i was freed from the endless toil of job searching that had been draining all of my free time for like, a year or something.

it helped me be more myself. it got me in touch with my desires.

i just think, for the first time in a long time, it feels like i was in the right place at the right time.