Out the door is a big room, a dark skylight, a pool flush with the floor. There is no source of light, but there is a warm low brown hum, diffuse and grainy. A lot of people are wandering around, moving from room to room, running into each other. You see someone who looks like an old friend across the pool. You watch another person gently take their hand and lead them into a room, shut the door. You press against the door, but you can't enter. Someone from behind presses a hand at the base of your neck, drags it down firm, and at the bottom of your low back, they stop. You turn and They're gone. Your feet are wet. People are jumping into the pool. Some run, feet slipping, and leap; Some ball up on the floor, then appear in the cupped hand of the skylight's dome, then hang for a moment, then plummet. Laughter. The water is warm. Across the pool you see yourself, taken by the hand and guided into the water. You watch the tuft of your hair float above the surface for a moment before tugging under. You feel the water pressing on your body, trying to force you upward. You're standing, dripping, completely soaked.