The hand has sharp nails. The girl attached to it lets go as you turn to face her. "OH MY G0D, NO FUCK1NG W4Y" "1TS YOU R1GHT? TH4T B1TCH WHO R4N T3CH F0R TH3 P1T SHOWS??" You're stunned, actually. You don't think you've ever seen this woman in your life. "M4N THOS3 SHOWS CH4NG3D MY L1F3..." She zones out for a moment. At least, you think she does. She's wearing garish pointy red glasses, so it's hard to tell. She's got these funny little sharp candy corn things on her head too? Her attention snaps back to you. "W41T DO YOU L1V3 4ROUND H3R3? OR DO YOU W4NT TO H4NG OUT??" Your voice catches in your throat and you realize you can't remember the last time you spoke. You cough a few times, really hard actually. She's still, unfazed, waiting for a response. "Yeah I, kh- uh, I'd actually really love a drink?, Do you know a good spot nearby?" She lights up, grinning ear to ear, baring sharp discolored teeth. "1 KNOW JUST TH3 PL4C3!" She grabs your arm again, pulling you through the wide archway and out into the street.